Angel on Earth
Dearly beloved. We are gathered here in solemn amazement at the wondrous advantages you have in your society at this time. Is it any wonder that you can travel around the world in a day, fly to the moon, play in Saturn’s rings and yet you still remain blocked in your belief that you cannot take any advantage of the primeval ability to select your destiny and live your life the way that you want to live it. Dare you to dream? What happened to those dreams from your ancestors a few years past? Those who dreamed of reaching the stars. How about the stars in your own heart? How about the god within yourself? Dare you go inward? The most meaningful relationship you can have is with yourself. That is an inward relationship. You all have the ability and the opportunity to connect with your soul essence, your higher self, this lifetime. It is not that difficult. You only feel it is difficult because you are reaching outward instead of inward. You look at other people and think how much better they are, how much more talented, smarter, and prettier and forget it’s not about what’s on the outside but what’s on the inside that counts. All you have to do is desire to connect with your inner self and accept yourself and listen. Take time to tune into your self. Tune out what others are telling you what is right for you and listen to what you have to say about what is right for you. You are the only one who knows. No one else does. Not even me, Saint Germain. I know me. You can know you. Your wonderful, gorgeous, magnificent self! Are you willing to join with your angel self. Say yes? When you do, your life will change drastically. This is a commitment to yourself. You will never be forced to become an angel on earth, but the offer is there. Do you accept?
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