Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Make a Difference

How do we make a difference in the world? In our country, in our community, business, family? You see the pain and grief in the world, the killing. Nation smashing nation into a bloody mess. People hurting and using each other every day, all around you. What do we do? My channel is in tears, feeling like nothing makes a difference. Our government ignores the voices of reason and compassion. People are in fear. Afraid of not having enough, we start to steal more and more energy from each other.

What is happening in a large scale between countries and governments is a reflection of what is happening with each of us individually. We think the only way to get more energy, to feel safe, secure and abundant, is to take that energy from others. In truth, there is more than enough for everyone.

How you make a difference is in your own life, one moment at a time. Live a life that is kind, generous, loving. Feel your body. Listen to what it has to say to you. As you connect and change into a feeling person, a truly compassionate person, people will start to change around you. They in turn will learn by watching you and experiencing what it means to feel, to truly listen to their own essence and experience love flowing through them. Your energy will multiply until you have more than enough, and then it will overflow into the world. The world changes like this – one person at a time.



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