Friday, July 28, 2006

What Are You Waiting For?

Are you waiting for the blinding light on the road to Damascus? Are you waiting to see an angel face to face? Are you waiting for someone else to tell you what to do?

You have a strong desire to do something different than what you have always done — a desire to make a difference in your universe. But what?

The answer to your question is: do something. Anything. Just make a decision and do it. The rest will fall into place. Get the ball rolling, the energy flowing! Even if you have no strong desires at the moment, the path will open up before you once you start moving. It is that simple.

You are the god. You are the master of your own life. We (your helpers in the spirit world) are not your creators or your decision makers. That is what you are. That is what you do. You decide. You create.


Friday, July 21, 2006


I AM Saint Germain. Timeless, as are you. Time is an illusion. Neither is it past, present or future. There is no straight line. Just NOW. Be with yourself now. Be with me now. Be with your friends and family now. NOW is all that matters.


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Choose Joy

Today is an important day. A day for setting aside your worries, your cares and concerns and to celebrate the joy that is erupting around you. Do you see it? Do you feel it? Or are you still buying into the message your governments are giving you? The message to be afraid. Be very afraid. So what do you choose? Joy or fear?


Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Let's talk about imagination. Who are we but figments of our own imagination. How do we create ourselves every day -- through our imagination. How do we see and relate with other beings -- through our imagination. This is how we create our reality as an individual and as a human collective. We change that illusion, that reality through our imagination.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

You Create Your Own Ascension

We come to you today to ask for your help in the matter concerning our ascension. You see, it is not we who help you ascend, but you who create the ascension for yourself -- you who choose to step in a new direction, to become aware of who you are, not as you were in the past but who you have become and are becoming. Be aware that how you perceive yourself now is an illusion. You are so much more. All you need is the intention to become aware of who you are and you will be shown. Perhaps you will imagine this happening in a certain way. Try to let those images and assumptions go and accept what comes to you in whatever form. Awareness is different for each of you. Your friend will probably experience this differently than you, and you will experience your awareness different than your mentor. We are all separate and the same.


Monday, July 17, 2006

We Are One

You’ve probably read or heard in the news about Israel attacking another country. This is a sad situation, for in truth, we are not separate from each other. We are all one. The boundaries between countries, peoples, male and female are all an illusion that we put in place for ourselves. A game we chose to play in ages past. Now it is time to play a new game, to allow the illusion to show itself so we can see each other as we truly are. I am you. You are me.